Parents Of Suicide
Writings Library
Shane’s story

Tina London
June 15, 2000

Shane was born on a warm sunny day in March 1984, he came into this world as the first baby boy in the family, and he was the apple of his sisters eye, well as they grew he was no longer the apple of her eye, he was the pain in the butt little brother.

Shane had a smile that was so infectious, he could flash that smile and get away with anything and he knew that.

As Shane grew into a young man, he was like most other little boys, he got into everything...... and as a teenager he did pretty much everything Mom and Dad told him not to do, but he had fun, and he was a good kid.

Shane grew into a very thoughtful and considerate teenager. always putting others before himself. He never seemed to accept the fact that he still had to abide by Mom and Dad's rules though. And he had been going back and forth between wanting to come live with me and living with his Dad. This resulted in many arguments with his Dad and many late night calls to me telling me he was leaving and coming to live with me. The last phone call came on May 19, 2000, I told him he needed to stay there and finish the school year, and he called me back later and said that was what he was going to do and then he was coming to live with me.

Well. Shane never did finish school and he never did get to come live with me. Shane decided on May 21st that it must have just too much for him. He fought with his Dad and then went out to his truck and while his 2 best friends looked on and tried to stop him, he put his 22 rifle to his neck and pulled the trigger. He was gone at that moment, the bullet went in and severed the brain stem, and his brain was gone. CPR was started and his heart began to beat again, he never breathed on his own again, the vent was breathing for him. I spent the nice in the ICU unit with Shane, talking to him, holding his hand, laying my head on his chest and hearing his heart beat. But he was gone. But he heard every word I said. The next morning at about 7:12am, the pronounced Shane brain dead. And being the caring giving person he was, he wanted to donate his organs, so his wishes were carried out, and as I now know, 6 people were given a second chance at life because of Shane's unselfish decision.

Shane, my precious son, you are loved today, just as you were loved in life, you are in my ever-waking thoughts.......16 forever.

Written by:
Tina London
Shane's Mom
3/6/84 - 5/22/2000

Fly baby fly.................